Sunday, December 23, 2007


There is a certain point when you're dating someone where you find yourself asking 'where is this going?' I avoided going there, and I'd still like to avoid going there, but I can't help it. I'm starting to question it. Mostly I question his motives. Is he really interested in being serious ever? Does he just want to date and see where it goes? Does he want me only for sex? I'm ok with the first two, and I don't even mind taking it slow and casual, but I'm not really into being the sex girl. Don't get me wrong, I love sex, but I want more than JUST sex.
He's pulling a Mr. Big on me...I get a little more interested and he's just pulling away. He made a huge deal about writing emails and how I never respond more than just a few words, and so since I've been gone I've written some longer emails to him about what I've been up to. He hardly answers me. Is he just giving me a taste of his own medicine? Is he busy and stressed? or is he just pulling away? UGH. Questions. I hate questions.

Night #1

Night #1: I go out with my best friend Jen (aka Jenavieve, a nickname I created) to Hugos to go dancing. I felt hot and confident, and I could have sworn that Jen and I were the hottest girls there. We had a cocktail and then we made our way to the dance floor and I spotted a guy I liked the look of and gave him the eye. Of course he introduced himself and we talked and danced for a while. His group even bought us drinks......

What the hell? I don't even get it, and I wasn't even out to get laid, only have a little fun.
I guess I can find consolance in the fact that I am dating a much hotter, more successful guy back home that isn't a firefighter, and makes more money. I'm just on holidays, and it was just an innocent flirtation night that went nowhere, unless you count making out with Jen for kicks as 'getting somewhere'

PS What would you rather be for a day? A member of the opposite sex? or an eagle?