Wednesday, June 4, 2008

I went out with F last night, and it was great!

I met up with him for coffee. He'd said earlier that his friends were grilling in the park to celebrate their bday and if I was up for it we could go but if not no worries. We decided to just meet at Balzac and take it from there. We were there for about 2 hours, and talked sooo much and it was great. He's intelligent and has a great sense of humour, and he even said he was interested in learning more about fashion (which I think that could be BS, and if it is that's really sweet that he made the effort anyway..if it's true, then cool as well.) I felt like I could be myself and wasn't nervous or feeling fake at all.
We eventually did decide to go meet his friends in the park, and totally got lost looking for this hill, in the dark. It was kind of creepy because we started talking about scary movies and zombies (eep) but also totally hilarious. We decided to just go back down and drink some wine by the pond where there are lights and people. The friends decided to come down and meet us, and it was fun.
We went home around 12:30 (both have to work in the morning), and he took me home and we kissed on the cheek. I couldn't find my keys and he said I could always stay at his place in Dom's room (she's away)...was a little disappointed he didn't ask to stay in his room, but mind you that I'm really glad he didn't because it would have been rude and presumptuous and I'm glad he's not that kind of guy. In some ways I was surprised he never made a move the whole night but I was also kind of happy because I got to know him better without physical stuff and I think I always move way too fast that way. I texted him to thank him for the coffee and the wine (he paid) and to say that I had a great night, and he answered 'and I was just trying to find the words to say what a nice eveing it was. thx.' I thought it was SO sweet, and a definite sign that he likes me :) I'm totally infatuated.

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