Monday, December 27, 2010


Ok, so if you've read my Facebook status updates today, I probably come across as really cranky and slightly evil. I am kind of cranky today.

Background: I ordered something from Amazon on Monday evening. It's a Christmas gift of sorts...I used some early Christmas money to buy the stuff. I'm an Amazon Prime customer (a service I pay for) so I get Prime delivery, which usually means next day, or the day after if you're ordering on a Sunday or after business hours. I was promised that, despite the holidays, my package would be here on December 22. It's not.

But that's not exactly what's annoying me. I didn't clarify that very well. Sure, it sucks, but stuff happens and the weather is bad and it WAS Christmas. I do think that German cities and highways could do a better job clearing the snow (I swear, every year it's like "what's this white stuff coming from the sky?") And I think that courier and postal companies should be hiring extra staff to deal with the high volume of the busiest time of year. But stuff happens and that's life.

What bugs me is the complete lack of information. It's left Amazon so it's not their responsibility's in DHL's hands now. I think though, as a customer, I should be informed of the fact that my package could not be delivered on time. I know that they probably have a lot of late packages, but I don't feel that's an excuse. A little bit of customer service goes a really long way, and if you can't live up to promises as a business, it's your responsibility to notify your customers. This is marketing 101 people (really, it is!)

So, in a nutshell, it's not the fact that I didn't get my package on time that bugs me. It's that I was not informed about it.

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