Friday, February 18, 2011


I really think that a lot of how people think they look is in their heads. Sooo many people complain about how they look, and look totally awesome. Like, not just average...awesome.

I admit, I do it too :)

I feel overall pretty good about myself and pretty damn sexy lately. Not today though. I think it's not so much that I think I look bad as I feel a little off. My tummy doesn't seem to like food lately. It's not a bug, I'm sure of it (I don't feel sick otherwise), so I don't know what's causing my stomach to do flips. I have a sensitive body though, so who knows. Anyway, when I feel physically weird my perception of my looks goes a little downhill too. Doesn't seem to matter that my skin is glowing (in a good way), I kept off the weight I lost over the holidays and I lost almost another inch around my waist (and TWO around my hips!) in the past 2 months...I'll be like "blah, my hair is flat, my skin is a bit red...I look ick." See, all in the mind :)

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